Friday, June 26, 2015

Montessori practical activities for child

Montessori EXERCISES OF practical  LIFE activities 

For an unconscious mind child with the absorbent mind who come to our children home (AMI MONTESSORI). The adult we are the AMI guides who had practice to guide them. We should guide them to do an activity with the proper manner. It will develop Coordination of the child’s movement, development of the muscles, and concentration. They will absorb it quickly without selecting using their absorbent mind. It will develop good manners in the future society. Because we believe that we can transform the good manner through this unconscious child.

01) How to carry   a chair: 

When you  carry a chair  feet should be together. If we are a right handed person Place your left arm four fingers  are placed on backrest and thumb should be place on top of the backrest. Same as right hand four fingers are placed on bottom of the seat and thumb should be on top of the seat. Give a firm grip. Raise the chair to the waist level. Carry it to the destination. When you place it again gradually bend,  slant   the chair  and place it without noise .   

Carrying a chair

placing a chair
02) How to sit and get up from a chair:
Place the right hand four fingers at the bottom of the seat thumb on top of the chair. Smoothen the dress using other hand. Sit on the chair slowly. Place the hands one at a time on your lap. To get up from the chair keep your right arm four fingers under thumb on top of the seat.Same as place the left arm on left side of the seat. Give a firm grip. Leave the right arm four fingers and the thumb. Same as leave the left had.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Tendencies of the child does not start at 3 years. It starts at conception. Tendencies are universal because all human being have it. It is helped to construct a man. Before birth tendencies are dormant and sleep. We have to activate it after birth.

Exploration          Orientation           Concentration                                 
Self-perfection      Exactitude            Imagination                                  
 Socialization        Independence       Abstraction                       

 Repetition             repetition             Creative Imagination       

Work                      Order                   Spiritual life  

Communication      Movement

Exploration is a tendency which puts man in contact with his environment. When we consider about the child who explores physically through his senses and through movement especially of the hands. The child uses all his resources to explore and absorb impressions. In the earlier stages the child looks around the cot, touching, smelling, tasting etc. This tendency make him to urge to explore. He experience the difference inside and outside.  At 2 years he is able to explore every object using his hand.Orientation is help the child to find his place in this environment. This tendency helping him to adapt himself to the environment  which he has born.The baby start communication with his mother even before birth. This is done through movements. After birth child communicate through gestures, cries, touch, smile to make know his needs. The parent try to interpret this demands. He cries different ways to express different needs. Orientation is also an important tendency because after birth child enters completely to a different environment. This tendency helps the child to find his place. He gets in to use the different temperature, smells, noises, food etc.  The child has to orient with his strange environment to adapt himself to the environment.Order is as essential to a little child to be successful in any action. Order is essential for the orientation.order is need for intellect as it is leads to clarity of thought .Outer order helps to create inner order.Disorder disturbs him, upsets him, and he may express his suffering by despairing cries or by an agitation that can even assume the forms of illness.

For example story from the secret of child by Dr. maria Montessori  A little family Scene,

Baby only few months old was accustomed to lie on a high oblique bed, so is to dominate its environment.  There were coloured panes in the windows, a few pretty pieces of furniture. flowers and among other things, a table with a yellow table cloth on which stood a day a visitor came in and put her umbrella on the table. The baby girl began to grow excited, and the umbrella was certainly the cause, for after staring at it. She began to was thought that she wanted the umbrella, which was brought to her but she pushed it away. But the baby’s mother who knew something of the child’s early psychological symptoms, took the umbrella from the table carried it out of the  place. Immediately the child grew calm. The reason for her agitation was that the umbrella on the table was in the wrong place, and this violently disturbed the usual picture of the position of things in an order that child needed to remember.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015



Child  psychologists  say that The child is a worker and also a constructor of a man. He has to adapt himself to the environment in to which he has born.  The aims that requiring functional independent. that mean ability to do his work by himself for himself what he has to do. The adaptation to the environment easy for a child because he has the Absorbent mind and tendency.

A child psychology is a vast area and have to do lots of analysis about a child to know about them. As an AMI montessori diploma student hope to write about child psychology in future.The child psychology is studying about child's mind and how the mind of a child develops.

Dr.Maria montessori said birth is first act of independence and we have to study a child from birth. Child psychology is that start studying  mind of a child from the movement of birth on wards  but Dr. maria said that child mind is existed before his birth.Child has the potential to develop his mind by conception. Mother doesn't gives birth. Child only takes birth to comes out.Child mind is unconscious but he has an absorbent mind . The child wherever he is born who has the power , energy and potential to adapt himself to the particular environment. Even if a child is born in uncivilized place and he is kidnapped to civilized place he will adapt himself to the civilized place.Tendencies is actually pushing a child to somewhere.

A single observation enough to prove this.........

The child grows up speaking parent's tongue. Yet to grown ups the learning of a language is very great intellectual achievement . No one teaches the child, yet he comes to use nouns, verbs,and adjectives to perfection. but if at a later age the child has to learn another language, no expert help will enable him to speak it with the same perfection as he does his first.

A child has power, potential and all the things are within him from birth. The adult should activate that. the adult should help the child to make grow.